Wauwatosa Public Library 7635 West North Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53213 United States
Have you ever thought about how technology might be able to help you better in your garden? Spring is around the corner so come and join us to learn the various ways tech might help you have an even more prolific garden.
Looking for a job can be a job in and of itself. If you are a more mature job seeker, there are certain things to know that lessen bias and accentuate your experience.
The college landscape has changed so much in such a short time. Join us to develop a strategy to conquer college planning and learn savvy tips that will help you through the process!
Join yoga instructor Caitlin Moyer for Yoga at the Library. Each session she'll lead you through a relaxing 45 minute yoga flow.
Be sure to bring your own mat, towel, water bottle, and a friend or neighbor.
Join Meg Kissinger, Pulitzer Prize finalist and author, as she helps you see and think about people with mental illness in a new light.
In this lecture we will share how you can use GenAI (generative artificial intelligence) within various apps or technology that you’re already using on a daily basis.
To register, contact Kristen Hecht via email or by phone.
Interested in learning to draw with pencil and charcoal? Join us for a beginning drawing class as we practice basic techniques.
With Winter upon us, would you like to have restaurant food, but don’t want to go out in the cold, or drive on icy roads? Learn to order food online and have it delivered right to your door.
The Wauwatosa Public Library is excited to partner with the Wauwatosa Health Department to offer free blood pressure screenings for adults (ages 18 and up). Drop by the Student Commons from 10 - 11:30 AM to have your blood pressure checked.